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VCA Filters - Speed Filter

Speed Filter

The speed filter provides a way to check if the speed of an object which has triggered an input is moving within the range of speeds defined by a lower and upper boundary.

The channel must be Calibrated in order for the speed filter to be available.

Commonly this rule is combined with a presence rule, an example rule graph is provided to illustrate this below.

The following image illustrates how such a rule combination triggers on the car moving at 52 km/h but the person moving at 12 km/h falls outside the configured range (25-100 km/h) and thus does not trigger the rule.



Default Value


A user-specified name for this rule

"Speed #"

Can Trigger Actions

Specifies whether events generated by this rule trigger actions



The input rule


Min Speed

The minimum speed (km/h) an object must be going to trigger the rule


Max Speed

The maximum speed (km/h) an object can be going to trigger the rule


Typical Logical Rule Combination

The below example logical rule checks if an object triggering the presence rule attached to zone Centre, is also travelling between 25 and 100 km/h as specified by the speed rule Speed Filter 25-100 km/h.
Only the Speed Filter is set to Can Trigger Actions, meaning only this component of the logical rule will be available as a source for actions. Additionally, any activity generated by the speed filter will have the event type Presence

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