How to delete and restart a broken SQL database
Sometimes there might be problems with the SMServer and the SQL database may be broken. This solution repairs the SQL databases.
These are the databases: DVRServer, WDServer, SMServer
Step-by-step guide
- Go to the Master Server
- Shut down all VMS processes: WDServer, DVRServer, SMServer
- Open the SQL Management Studio. Use of administrator rights may be needed
- Go to "Databases"
- Right-click each database "DvmsData", "RecorderDB" and "WdContext" and delete the databases.
- Restart VMS services:WDServer, DVRServer, SMServer
- In the SQL Management studio, close the folder hierarchy to the root level and press refresh. Check that the "DvmsData", "RecorderDB" and "WdContext" databases are created.
- Test if the system works better
Optional steps: If there are problems with access rights try this:
3.1 Go to Security - logins - NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
3.2 Click "Server roles"
3.3 Select "sysadmin"
3.4 Press OK