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How to fix error in V7 "No disks configured recorder "Local recorder""

  1. Open Windows local Services

  2. Stop Mirasys VMS services in this order

    1. WDserver

    2. SMServer

    3. DVRServer

  3. Go to Mirasys VMS installation folder

    1. 32bit Windows default location C:\Program Files (x86)\DVMS

    2. 64bit Windows default location C:\Program Files\DVMS

  4. Open DVR-folder

  5. Copy dvr.xml file to the desktop

  6. Open dvr.xml using Notepad

  7. Go to the line which starts <disks>

  8. Under that, you can see system material disk

  9. Type their correct paths where the material is located


<drive number="1" value="D:\dvr\materials\" unusedgb="10" />
<drive number="2" value="E:\dvr\materials\" unusedgb="10" />
  1. Save dvr.xml file

  2. Delete dvr.XML.tmp file in DVR-folder and copy this new dvr.xml file to DVR-folder

  3. Start Mirasys VMS services in this order

    1. WDserver

    2. SMServer

    3. DVRServer

  4. Now system start indexing old material and that will take sometimes

  5. After indexing, you can access old material again

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