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Axis metadata integration

Axis metadata integration to Mirasys VMS can be done via Text Channel. License include this option already, there is only configuration needed to do.


  • Latest Mirasys VMS

  • Axis camera where is configured data sending to wanted IP-address and port


  • Copy Axis UDD file to DVR-folder

  • Open System Manager and logon there using Administrator user rights

  • Go to Serves tab and open Text Channels

  • Make there new Text Channel

    • Model; UniversalDataTcpModel

    • TCP Port number; 40000 or next free one

    • Validation; Text, this depends type of data

    • Configuration file; UUD4Axis.xml

    • Custom validator; Empty

    • Send the “End” event after N; 0

    • Forward incoming message to; empty

  • Now you can save these settings and check via Spotter that Text Channel is working and you can see data from camera.

    • If you are using different profile on Spotter side, please add this Text Channel to wanted profile, without this you can’t see this Text Channel on Spotter

  • When everything is working and you can see data on Text Channel you can use System Manager to do alarms based on camera metadata events.


  • No data in Text Channel

    • Check configuration and test that camera is working as normal on VMS side.

  • Event missing

    • If there is event missing, you can add this to XML file and then restart services to reload this new file.

Example UUD4AxisASCII.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <level value="2"/> 
  <additionalDebug value="no"/>
    <linefeed value="0x0a"/>
    <ignored value="0x05,0x00"/>
    <clearscreen value="-----"/>
    <regex value="[a-zA-Z0-9[:space:]\\:]*" />
  <uddXmlMapper version="2">
    <messageType value="text" parsing="regex">
      <message number="1" value="alarm">
		<param number="1" value="([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" group="1"/>
		<array name="Events" params="Axis">
		<message number="1" value="alarm" alwaysShowText="yes">
            <param number="1" reference="1" operator="eq" value="$Events" id="Axis">
				    <action number="1" type="event" value="$Events alarm" />

Example UDD4AxisMD.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Axis Motion Detection 4 UDD file-->
<!--Configure camera sending data via TCP to VMS server IP and Port-->
  <level value="2"/>
  <additionalDebug value="no"/>
    <linefeed value="0x0a"/>
    <ignored value="0x05,0x00"/>
    <clearscreen value="-----"/>
    <regex value="[a-zA-Z0-9[:space:]\\:]*" />
  <uddXmlMapper version="2">
    <messageType value="text" parsing="regex">
      <message number="1" value="alarm">
		<param number="1" value="([a-zA-Z0-9[:space:]]+)" group="1"/>
		<array name="Events" params="AxisMD">
		<value>Camera 1 Intrusion Zone 1</value>
		<value>Camera 1 Intrusion Zone 2</value>
		<value>Camera 2 Intrusion Zone 1</value>
		<value>Camera 2 Intrusion Zone 2</value>
		<value>Camera 3 Intrusion Zone 1</value>
		<value>Camera 3 Intrusion Zone 2</value>
		<value>Camera 4 Intrusion Zone 1</value>
		<value>Camera 4 Intrusion Zone 2</value>
		<message number="1" value="alarm" alwaysShowText="yes">
            <param number="1" reference="1" operator="eq" value="$Events" id="AxisMD">
				    <action number="1" type="event" value="$Events alarm" />
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