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Qognify Gateway Connector (Situator)

This integration allows Mirasys VMS be part of Qognify Situator system. User can playback, watch live material and get information what is status on VMS system devices.

Integration is tested with Mirasys VMS 9.6.0 with Gateway 9.6.0, Gateway SDK 9.6.0 and Qognify Situator


  • Mirasys VMS with Gateway service

  • License feature Qognify PSIM Gateway Connector

  • Qognify Situator


  • Mirasys VMS Gateway can be installed on wanted server or own server if there is multiple users using this integration simultaneously. This helps system to handle that load which is coming over this integration.

  • Qognify Situator system is installed to customer workstation and services are running.

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