General Settings tab
The General tab in the Audio page lists the basic settings of all audio channels:
No. The number of the channel.
In Use. Shows if a channel is enabled or disabled.
Name. The name of the channel.
Mono / Stereo. Shows if a channel is a mono or stereo channel.
Compression. Shows if compression is on or off. A checkmark means that compression is used.
Capture Driver. Shows what capture driver is used. Select the driver in Hardware Settings.
To change general settings:
Select the channel from the list.
You can change these settings in the lower part of the window:
Name. The name of the channel.
In use. Select to enable the channel. Clear the check box to disable the channel.
Delay time. Sets the delay time in synchronizing the audio stream with other devices.
The delay time can be used to optimize the audio and video stream synchronization to, for example, enable better lip synchronization.
Compression. Select to use compression. Compressed audio files use less disk space, but the quality of the audio is a bit lower. Clear the check box to not use compression.
Description. Here you can type a description of the channel that will be shown to the users in the Spotter program.
Administrative Description. Here you can type a description of the channel that will be shown in the Spotter program to only system administrators.