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Mirasys Spotter Enterprise role

Custom user role properties can be edited by clicking the custom role properties edit button.

The Spotter custom roles can be customized with close to a hundred different options (not including plugin-specific adjustments).


The Access tab of the role customization contains options for the application access and accessing profiles and alarm commenting.


The Windows tab contains options for Spotter window management and tab management.


The Screen tab contains options for different screen element access and layout access, bookmarks, camera grid and saved camera tabs.


The Devices tab contains options for media control.


The Streams tab contains options for stream access and exporting.


The Privacy tab contains options for privacy. 


The Settings tab contains options for Spotter settings.


The Bookmarks tab contains options for bookmarks


The Export tab contains options for Export functions

Storage Locker

The Storage Locker tab contains options for the Storage Locker plugin.

Incident Reporting

The Incident Reporting tab contains options for the Incident Reporting plugin


The Plugins tab contains options for Spotter plugins.

Each plugin behaviour can be either default or custom. The default behaviour can be controlled from the ”Default plugin role” controls.

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