Failover Logs
Failover log in Spotter
To see failover events in Spotter, the user role for that must be enabled in System Manager Spotter user role settings. By default, failover events are not shown in Spotter.
When failover events are received in Spotter, the log is shown in the Notifications drop-down menu. The notifications icon blinks a few seconds every time a new notification is added.
Failover event is sent only once in cases:
Recorder failure detected, but the recorder is already in the failover process.
Recorder failure detected, but no failover recorders are free in the system.
The situation cleared when the failover for the recorder was done.
Failover events
Failover events are categorized with severity. The severity of the information is shown with different icons.
Information - white info icon
Failover in progress
Failback in progress
Material copy in progress
Failover ready
Failback ready
Material copy ready
Warning - yellow warning icon
Failover failed, reason: Skipped, failover already running
Error - red error icon
Failover failed
Failback failed
Material copy failed
Errors are shown with detailed info part
Failover server in the wrong state
Internal error
Invalid log state
No failover serve
No failover server connection
No license
No recorder
No recorder settings
Operation canceled
The server is in the wrong state
Settings saving failed