Spotter Display Settings
The display settings control if the camera name and timestamp are shown on all the cameras.
Text colour
Also, the colour of the text and the outline can be adjusted separately.The colour can be adjusted for individual cameras from the camera toolbar.
It is also possible to activate the advanced information display such as codec, bandwidth used, framerate, and buffering status.Activating the advanced display settings displays information on the video buffering performance.This information is meaningful only if the video buffering (see advanced settings tab in Spotter settings) is set on and only for live video (not for playback).
Window options
Show EULA on startup
Show exit dialogue on exit
Show video export dialogue on video export
Show storyboard export dialogue on storyboard export
Show vide grid
Highlight selected camera view Border size
Track active device on device tree
Zoom control follows selected camera view
Tab settings control the default camera grid for new device tabs and the default image fit setting. “Crop” is set as default.
Colour scheme
The last setting controls whether the colour scheme is dark (default) or light. This setting is not available in all product variants