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Spotter General Settings


From the drop-down list, a user can change the language of the user interface.


Users can change their own password 

Automatic logon

When Use automatic login is enabled, the selected user has logged on automatically, when Spotter is started

Default layout

The default layout can be selected in the General settings section.

The two options for the layout are:

  1. Load this layout immediately after the user has logged in

  2. Load this layout immediately after the user is locked

This setting can be used to guarantee that a particular “general” view is always active when the workstation is not in use.


The protection settings control how the user interface is locked.

  • Hide user interface on lock

  • Automatic lock

  • Automatic log-off

Turning on the “Hide user interface on lock” means that when the user interfaces lock automatically or manually lock the user interface, the whole interface turns grey, and no cameras can be seen.
If “Automatic logon” is checked, the user does not need to re-enter their credentials (username and password) when starting to use the application.

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