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Logs messages and what those means

Message types


This is normal info type message which tell how system is running.


This message type indicate that there has been some issues but those are not critically.


This message type indicate that there is some problems related this error and those should be fix.

Useful tool for logs is DvmsLogs tool.

VMS Server

DVRLog (Digital Video Recorder)

Default logs path
C:\Program Files\DVMS\DVR\logs

Log messages

INFO  DVRServer.exe - Network send image queue to full (1) for camera 8. Skipping images.

This info message indicate that Spotter client is requesting more images than network card can send out and skip some images. Problem can be related to network card settings on recorder and Spotter client side.

Check that you are using Intel network card at lest 1GB connection and there are configured these settings on network card.

  • Interruption mode is Extreme

  • Send and Receive buffers are 2048

INFO  DVRServer.exe - Sending playback image to  failed.

This info message indicate that DVRServer can’t send live image to Spotter client.

WARN  DVRServer.exe - mirasys::CBaseAudioRTSPChannel::SdpInfoReceived: The audio stream is not available via RTSP for Dahua DH-IPC-HDBW2441R-ZAS ( Probably it should be enabled manually via Web-interface

This warning message indicate that recorder can’t get audio stream from camera and it should be enable manually via web interface.

WARN  Mirasys.FileStorage.MaterialFile - Read index for path\dvrfile000XXXXX.dat failed! ChunksCount 32, SavedChunksCount 32
System.IO.InvalidDataException: The 'MaterialFileIndexRecordEnd' deserialization failed!
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.MaterialFileIndexRecord.Deserialize(Stream aStream)
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.MaterialFileIndexChunk.Deserialize(Stream aStream)
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.MaterialFileIndex.Deserialize(Stream aStream, Int32 aChunkCount, Int32 aSectorSize)
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.MaterialFile.ReadIndex(FileIndexSegment aSegment)

This warning message indicate that file wasn’t closed correctly during writing. This cause that deserializing fails. This warning is possible coming when recorder has crashed or connection has lost middle of writing. Filesystem will automatically “repair” this file when there is coming new data which overwrite old data.

WARN  DVRServer.exe - Camera(116): Skipping frame (current time difference = 3989, limited time difference = 2000, total images skipped = 3, file Storage load 14 MB/sec)

This warning message indicate that storage can’t handle all frames which are coming in to VMS system. On default system skip all old over 2 seconds frames.

WARN DVRServer.exe - mirasys::CBaseThread::JoinThread: Thread (id=1234, name="HikvisionEventMonitoring") for device was not stopped during 5000 milliseconds

This warning message indicate HikvisionEventMonitoring thread stop takes more then 5 second (usually, if network camera connection is poor or broken).

This thread is trying to receive HTTP messages from "AlertStream" URI (it receives IO states, video-loss events, LPR events, motion detection events). It is started when driver is opening, and stopped when driver is closed.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - mirasys::CBaseAudioRTSPChannel::SetDeviceState: Audio signal was lost for camera

This error message indicate that recorder has lost connection to camera audio signal stream. If audio is not necessary to use, please remove these via System Manager → Hardware → Audio tab.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - mirasys::CBaseCameraChannel::SetCameraState: Signal was lost for Dahua IPC-PDBW5831-B360-E4-2712 ( / channel 2) (Rec)

This error message indicate that recorder has lost connection to camera recording stream. This can be result of poor connection or problem on camera side.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - mirasys::CDahuaVideoSettingsManager::GetBitrateRangeBySettings: Unable to receive bitrate range from  Dahua IPC-HFW2541T-ZAS-27135 (

This error message indicate that recorder can’t get details from camera. This can be result of poor connection or problem on camera side.

ERROR Mirasys.Servers.Recorder.DVRServices.DvrCoreManager.Metadata.MetadataDatabase - Create metadata database failed, error message: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
ERROR Mirasys.Servers.Recorder.DVRServices.DvrCoreManager.Metadata.MetadataDatabase - Create metadata tables failed
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Database 'RecorderDB' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

This error message indicate that DVRServer can’t make connection to SQL Server to create wanted databases or SQL Server is not running on this machine.

ERROR Mirasys.Servers.Recorder.DVRServices.DvrCoreManager.FileSystemV1.Channels.ChannelV1 - ReadNext: search next frame failed - client='ed2f9097-f14a-4046-a9dc-0165ffe37d0f', ch='type=Video ch=40', params='DateTime: 01.01.0001 12:00:00.000 SearchDirection: Forward Intra: True'

This error message indicate that Filesystem can’t read data. Probably because this data writing was interrupted in the middle of writing (e.g. during recorder crash). This is not critical error, Filesystem will erase this on next file retention.

ERROR Mirasys.FileStorage.LoadBalancer - Unable to open journal 'path\dvrfile000XXXXX.jrn'!
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'path\dvrfile000XXXXX.jrn' because it is being used by another process.
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.Journal.Open()

This error message indicate that journal file is reserved third party and DVRServer can’t access this file. Please check possible third party programs which may access same files.

ERROR Mirasys.FileStorage.LoadBalancer - Unable to save journal record 'path\dvrfile000XXXXX.jrn'!
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Mirasys.FileStorage.Journal.Save(Byte[] aMaterialFilePath, Int64 aMaterialFileOffset, Byte[] aData, Int32 aDataOffset, Int32 aDataLength)

This error message indicate that DVRServer can’t open/save journal information to file. Please check that DVRServer has access this storage location and check if any third party programs not reserve these files.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - FS writing queue for ch=25 (type -1231031248) error: Frame time less then queue time!

This error message indicate that there is time difference between DVRServer and storage. Filestorage try write a frame with current time but that is already written earlier. On this case Filestorage only skip frame.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - mirasys::COnvifEdgeStorageTask: Signal was lost during processing of recorded interval (RecordingToken='23434253453453453', TrackToken='v2342-12', DataFrom='2024/01/10 10:44:45.754') for Camera manufacturer (Camera IP)

This error message indicate that DVRServer lost connection to camera when that was fetching data from camera SD-card.

ERROR Mirasys.FileStorage.ArchivingTask - Read frame error, status: Failed. File: MaterialPath\dvrfile00032435.dat

This error message indicate that DVRServer recording has stopped suddenly to this dat file. That has caused that there is corrupted frames inside that dat file. Filestorage will repair this dat file when data inside dat file is overwritten with new material.

ERROR Mirasys.Servers.Recorder.DVRServices.DvrCoreManager.Edge.EdgeHandler - Select records from database error! System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot open database "RecorderDB" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'.

This error message indicate that DVRServer can’t login to SQL database. That can be happen if there has been happened error on Windows side and that is dropped out login details or there has been happened hardware side crash. To fix this you need use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and fix login details.

ERROR Mirasys.FileStorage.PrerecCopyTask - Prerec copy error, read frame error! Channel type=Video ch=4

This error message indicate that DVRServer can't read frame from prerecording channel, this points that at least one frame is not written correctly.

ERROR DVRServer.exe - ArchivalFileSystem: Write data error! Error: The network path was not found.

This error message indicate that DVRServer can’t find network path to store archive data. On this case check that network storage is working normally and there is no issues on network side.

INFO  DVRServer.exe - Starting manual archival run.
ERROR DVRServer.exe - Could not create archive directory (\\\ArchiveStorage\Archive_20240101080000\).
INFO  Mirasys.Servers.Recorder.DVRServices.DvrCoreManager.FileSystemV1.FileSystemWrapper - Export failed, error 6

This error message indicate that DVRServer can’t create directory to network path. On this case check that network storage is working normally, there is no issues on network side and account has write/read permissions.

SMLog (System Management Server)

Default logs path
C:\Program Files\DVMS\SystemManagement\logs

Log messages

WARN  SMServer.exe - SMRemotingHost: Remoting channel HostResourcesReleased received from HOST (URL: gtcp:// URI: <none> LocalNo: 92 RemoteNo: -1), Exception Genuine channels operation exception: The connection has been forcibly closed.

This warning message indicate that SMServer has lost connection to recorder. This can be result of poor network connection or DVRServer is not running.

WARN  SMServer.exe - Forcing a client ( ) disconnected.
WARN  SMServer.exe - Failed to send event Mirasys.Common.Daos.DVREvent.SMEvents.ClientDroppedEvent

This warning message indicate that SMServer can’t communicate with client and timeout connection, which cause that Spotter client is disconnected and dropped out from system.

WARN  LicenseContainer.ValidateLicense [SMServer] - License protection not ok. Protection code(s) doesn't match: New license has codes MAC:ABCDEFG  and system doesn't have any MAC addresses

This warning message indicate that SMServer can’t find license MAC address from system. Check that all network cards are operationals.

ERROR SMServer.exe - Unexpected connection exception for ( 638260581766102255) occured: 
Genuine channels operation exception: Can not connect to the remote host "gtcp://". System error message: The connection cannot be established because the target machine does not allow it

This error message indicate that SMServer has lost connection to recorder. This can be result of poor network connection or DVRServer is not running.

WDLog (WatchDog)

Default logs path
C:\Program Files\DVMS\DVR\logs

Log messages

WARN  WDServer.exe - Capture: dahuaipcapture (audio input), Audio: Channel_14, status: NO SIGNAL, action: No action needed

This warning message indicate that there is no audio stream from audio channel.

WARN  WDServer.exe - Capture: dahuaipcapture, Video: Channel_2, status: NO SIGNAL, action: No action needed

This warning message indicate that there is no video stream from camera.

ERROR WDServer.exe - WD: GetDvrStatus failed: No connection

This error message indicate that WDServer can’t make connection to DVRServer to check this service status. This can be results of poor network connection or DVRServer is not running. If WDServer can’t make connection to DVRServer, WDServer try to start this service or restart it.

Spotter (Client application)

Default logs path
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\DVMS\DVR Application\Logs

Log messages

INFO  CameraActivitySearch.SearchGraphicalPreviousHandler [Recorder] - Graphical search previous failed

This warning message indicate that Spotter can’t make connection to recorder and can’t fetch material to timeline.

WARN  ViewContainer.IsFrontBufferAvailableChanged [WindowMain] - Direct3D front buffer lost, video rendering will be slower than usual

This warning message indicate that internal or external GPU memory is filled up and image drawing is slower.

WARN  ViewContainer.GetImageParameters [WindowMain] - GetImageParameters, camera is not valid (not included in current profile?). Camera name: Camera 7

This warn message indicate that there is camera open in Spotter which is not part of this current selected profile.

WARN  LayoutLocationHelper.Parse [149] - Screen settings have changed, layout settings: 0,-1080,3840,2160, current settings: -1920,0,3840,1194
WARN  LayoutLocationHelper.Parse [149] - Monitor count has changed, cannot set window positions. Monitor count in layout: 3, current monitor count: 2

This warning message indicate that Spotter is opened layout which is stored for 3 monitors but current setup has only 2 monitors.

WARN  RealtimeStreamVideoContext.ProcessImage [TaskPoolThread11] - No image data from ConvertImage(). Camera: Camera 20, image format: 1129727305

This warning message indicate that Spotter is not received enough data to draw image.

ERROR ControlDeviceDriverHandler.LoadInstalledDriver [SMServer] - Exception in reading parameter information from installed control device driver: ControlDeviceAxis

This error message indicate that Spotter can’t register Axis Control Device driver. To fix this you need to run Spotter using Administrator rights.

ERROR CameraRealtime.OpenNormalStream [Recorder] - Open failed: No connection
ERROR RealtimeStreamVideoContext.OnRealtimeStream_StreamOpen [Recorder] - Stream open exception, camera: Camera 8, message: Stream open failed: No connection

This error message indicate that Spotter can’t open camera real-time stream from VMS Server.

ERROR PluginInstanceCameraPrivacy.RefreshLastImage [WindowMain] - RefreshLastImage: camera not found for stream id: f5cf561b-3cc1-4b51-9b08-3e8150b86c80_070777e2-f271-421d-b3ae-7f1a6c01eae3

This error message indicate that there is camera open in Spotter but that is removed from system or profile.

ERROR ApplicationLogger.ErrorSuppress [WindowMain] - Resize
SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: Hardware device removed. (-2005270523)
ERROR ApplicationLogger.ErrorSuppress [WindowMain] - DrawAllVideo no back surface

This error message indicate that monitor has removed from PC or Spotter can’t find display device on Windows.

ERROR ThruCastHandler.UnpackDrivers [UserSession thread] - Failed to unpack plug-in XXXXXXCaptureDriver.sdi
System.IO.IOException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\DVMS\spotter\9.6.1\systemfolder_5008\DriverStore\_temp_\' was denied.
   em System.IO.Directory.InternalMove(String sourceDirName, String destDirName, Boolean checkHost)
   em Mirasys.Clients.SharedCode.CommunicationLayer.Recorder.Component.ThruCastHandler.UnpackDrivers(String aStorePath)

This error message indicate that Spotter client can’t unpack Spotter plugin on wanted location. This indicate that folder user rights are not done correctly.

ERROR ApplicationLogger.ErrorSuppress [TaskPoolThread11] - Realtime camera 112 (server name or ip-address) ImageConvert failed to convert from format HEVC to YUY2, image utc time: 18:24:22 25/10/2023, image size: 134298
System.InvalidOperationException: Decompression failed: Opening compression driver failed. Driver error description: NvidiaDecoder::InitializeContext: cuCtxCreate() failed, error code: 2 = CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
   em Mirasys.Clients.SharedCode.PluginsLayer.ImageConversion.HandleError(Int32 aErrorCode, Int32 aHandle, Int32 aSourceSize)
   em Mirasys.Clients.SharedCode.PluginsLayer.ImageConversion.ImageConvertWithExtraData(Int32 aHandle, Int32 aSourceX, Int32 aSourceY, Int32 aSourceSize, UInt32 aSourceFormat, ArraySegment`1 aSourceImage, Int32 aDestinationX, Int32 aDestinationY, UInt32 aDestinationFormat, ArraySegment`1 aDestinationImage, Int32 doImageFunctions, Int32 aIs4CIF, Byte[] aExtraData, Int64 aTicks)
   em Mirasys.Clients.SharedCode.ApplicationServicesAPI.Streams.ImageHandler.DoConvertImage(Int32 aHandle, IBufferVideo aBuffer, Int32 aDestinationWidth, Int32 aDestinationHeight, ImageFormat aDestinationFormat, Boolean aImageFunctionsOn)

This error message indicate that GPU memory is full and can’t process images from camera.

ERROR RTSPClient.SendCommand [RTSP Client Thread (] - Unable to send RTSP TEARDOWN command to device): Unable to read transport connection data: A connection was forced to be canceled existing by the remote host.

This error message indicate that Spotter client can’t send stream closing command to IP-camera.

ERROR CameraRealtime.OpenNormalStream [Recorder server name or IP-address] - Open failed: No connection
ERROR RealtimeStreamVideoContext.OnRealtimeStream_StreamOpen [Recorder server name or IP-address] - Stream open exception, camera: Camera 85, message: Stream open failed: No connection

This error message indicate that Spotter client can’t open camera stream from server.

ERROR CameraRealtime.ResetStateHandler [Recorder server name or IP-address] - Reset failed, message: DVR is performing critical task and services are temporarily out of service.

This error message indicate that DVRServer is running tasks and Spotter client can’t make request until DVRServer is free again.

ERROR RegistrationOperations.LoginHandler [SMServer] - Login failed Session id: 0
Mirasys.Common.Exceptions.UnauthorizedUserException: Given user not found for Name: Mirasys Spotter Enterprise, Version: 9.6.1, Log in time: 10/25/2023 5:48:11 PM, Type: , Network address:, Session ID: 1837364178, GUID: , Policy: UserManagement = False UserQuery = False AutoUpdate = False DVRControl = False DVRMonitoring = False DVRSettings = False ---> System.ArgumentException: No such user: mirasys

This error message indicate that someone has tried login Spotter client using account which is has not on system.

Other services

AdvLmService (List Management Service)

Default logs path
C:\Program Files\DVMS\AdvLmService\logs

ERROR Mirasys.Lms.Services.EventService - Connect to EQ error!
RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrokerUnreachableException: None of the specified endpoints were reachable
 ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection failed)
 ---> RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.ConnectFailureException: Connection failed
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

This error message indicate that List Management Service can’t make connection to Rabbit. This can be fixed to uninstall List Management Service and RabbitMQ from server and reinstall List Management Service.

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