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Storage Locker Settings

Storage Locker Settings contains the following values:

File path:

Defines the location of the Storage Locker.
As default location Storage Locker is located in the master server.

Changing the file path

Please note that old storage locker data is not copied to the new location

  1. Click Set file path for data storage

2. Select a new location and click OK

Import file path:

If someone has exports that are needed to be added to the Storage locker, those exports should be placed in a folder that is defined in Storage locker settings as "Import file path". How to use:

  • Each import data need to be in its own folder, files that will be placed in to import folder directly will be ignored

  • Each import folder can have several subfolders

  • Images and clips can be placed in one folder, Storage locker will import them one by one

  • SEF archives should be in their own folder and not mixed with other data (like images, clips etc.)

  • Import data should be copied all at once, if something should be added - it should be copied with own folder, files added to existing folders is not supported (those files will not be processed)

The retention time for data

The retention time for data sets define how long Storage Locker retain data, which are not used in any Incident Report

The retention  time for data used in the incident reports

The retention time for data used in incident reports define how long Storage Locker retain data, which are used in any Incident Report

Steps to map a network drive to be able to use for Storage Locker data

Create a batch file (refer to batch file details) and save it at your desired location. In my case, I have saved this batch file at C:\temp with the name 'SysinternalSuite.bat'.

  • Run cd C:\temp\SysinternalsSuite psexec -i -s cmd.exe /c net use S: "\\\storageforvms" /user:vms sharepassword /persistent:Yes

  1. Open Task Scheduler

  2. Click Create Task

3. Type name

4. Enable Run whether the user is logged on or not

5. Enable Run with highest privileges

6. Open Triggers

7. Click New

8. Select At startup from the Begin the task dropdown list

9. Click OK

10. Open Actions

11. Click New

12. Browse the script location and select script

13. Click OK

14. Open Conditions

15. Disable Start the task only if the computer is on AC power and Wake the computer to run this task

16. Click OK

Observe that in My PC, the newly created mapped drive will appear for ALL users of this system, but they will see it displayed as "Disconnected Network Drive (X:)".(If the drive is password protected, it will ask the user to enter the password after clicking on the OK button)

Now open System Manager, navigate to Storage Locker Settings and observe that the mapped drive will appear in the list.

  1. Select drive from the list

  2. Click OK

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