Spotter Keyboard Shortcuts
You can activate all devices and access Spotter functions with keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys).
When accessing devices, use the numeric keypad; the number row on top of the alphabetic keys cannot open devices.
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+N | New window. |
Alt+F4 | Close the current window. |
Ctrl+Alt+F4 | Exit Spotter. |
Ctrl+Alt+F5 | Log off Spotter |
Ctrl+Alt+L | Lock Spotter |
Shortcut | Description |
F5 | Focus on to first alarm. |
Enter | Open the alarm in the alarm view tab. |
Space | Acknowledge focused alarm. |
Ctrl+Alt+A | Show/Hide Alarm list. |
Shortcut | Description |
Enter | Same as clicking the OK button in a dialogue. If the focus is on another button when the Enter key is pressed, then the other button's action is executed. |
Show and Hide Components
Shortcut | Description |
F1 | Show Help window. |
ALT+F1 | Show About window. |
F2 | Reset layout: Set the main window to a normal state (not maximized). 100% zoom. Show profile window, time panel and time slider. The close export panel in the time slider. Focus is not in any component. |
F3 | Show settings window. |
Ctrl + F3 | Show control device settings window. |
Shift + F3 | Show number mappings settings window. |
F4 | Opens the ”Open media” dialogue. |
Ctrl+F5 | Show/hide alarm window. |
Ctrl+F6 | Show/hide profile window. |
Ctrl+F8 | Show/hide time panel. |
Ctrl+F10 | Show/hide ribbon (menu items). |
Ctrl+Alt+A | Show/Hide Alarm list. |
Ctrl+Alt+C | Cycle between Playback panel view modes. |
Ctrl+Alt+T | Cycle between Activity panel view modes. |
Ctrl+Alt+D | Show/Hide Device tree. |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Show/Hide Tabs. |
Moving Focus
Shortcut | Description |
Tab | Move focus to the next element within the container component. |
Shift+Tab | Move focus to the last element within the container component. |
F5 | Move focus to the first active alarm in the alarm list. If no active alarm, move focus to the first alarm in the list. If the alarm window is hidden, show it first. |
F6 | Move focus to the first item in the profile tree. If the profile window is hidden, show it first. |
Alt + F6 | Move focus to the next device tree item. |
Alt+Shift+F6 | Move focus to the previous device tree item. |
F7 | Move focus to the first camera in the current tab. |
F8 | Move focus to the time panel. If the time panel is collapsed, open it first. |
F10 | Move focus to the first ribbon menu item. If the ribbon is closed, open it first. |
Full-Screen Window
The following shortcuts work in a full-screen window.
Shortcut | Description |
F1 | Open help plugin. |
F2 | Reset layout. |
F8 | Move focus to the time panel. |
Ctrl+F8 | Show /hide time panel. |
Tab | Move focus to follow control (next camera in tab). |
Shift+Tab | Move focus to previous control (previous camera in tab). |
Ctrl+P | Print video image. |
Ctrl+S | Save video image. |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Duplicate video view. |
Ctrl+Tab | Select the next tab. If the currently selected tab is the last, select the first tab in the window. The addition (+) tab is not selected. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Select the previous tab. If the currently selected tab is the first tab, select the last tab in the window. The addition (+) tab is not selected. |
Ctrl+T | Create a new camera tab. When a new camera is created, move focus to the first item in the device tree (to make it easier to add new cameras). |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Close current tab. |
F11 or Esc | Restore from full screen to normal state. |
Ctrl+D | Date selection. |
Ctrl+G | Time selection. |
Ctrl+E | Activity selection. |
Ctrl+Right | Set playback time +30 seconds. |
Ctrl+Left | Set playback time -30 seconds. |
Ctrl+Shift+Right | Set playback time +5 minutes. |
Ctrl+Shift+Left | Set playback time -5 minutes. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left | Set playback time -1 hour. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right | Set playback time +1 hour. |
Ctrl+Shift+Y | Set playback time +1 day. |
Ctrl+Y | Set playback time -1 day. |
Ctrl+Enter | Set to the current time. |
Ctrl+Space | Pause playback. |
Shift+Left | Decrease playback speed. |
Shift+Right | Increase playback speed. |
Ctrl+0 to Ctrl+9 | Camera selection. |
Ctrl+W | Close selected camera. |
Alt+Enter | Maximize selected camera. |
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+Tab | Select the next tab. If the currently selected tab is the last, select the first tab in the window. The addition (+) tab is not selected. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Select the previous tab. If the currently selected tab is the first tab, select the last tab in the window. The addition (+) tab is not selected. |
Ctrl+T | Create a new camera tab. When a new camera is created, move focus to the first item in the device tree (to make it easier to add new cameras). |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Open tab menu. |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Close current tab. |
F11 | Maximize the current tab to full-screen size. |
Esc | Restore maximized tab to a standard size (when no camera is selected). |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Automatic image cropping on / off. |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Automatic image stretching on / off. |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Reset all camera zooms to full zoom. |
Ctrl+Shift+B | Bounding box on / off. |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Tail on / off. |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Show/Hide Tabs. |
Profile Window
Shortcut | Description |
Enter (when a camera is selected) | Add a camera to the tab. |
Enter (when a folder is selected) | Add all cameras in the selected tab and Expand the folder. |
Left (when the selected folder is expanded) | Close the folder. |
Left (when a selected node is not expanded) | Select parent folder. |
Proper (when the selected folder is not expanded) | Open the folder. |
Up and Down | Move selection up or down. When a camera is active, the buttons for that camera are shown in the tab (that camera becomes selected). |
Playback Time And Speed
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+D | Open date selection panel. Select a date with arrow keys and accept selection with entering. Both Enter and Esc close date selection panel. |
Ctrl+G | Open time selection panel. Select time with arrow keys and accept selection with entering. When pressing a button, the panel stays open. Esc closes the time selection panel. |
Ctrl+Right | Set playback time +30 seconds. |
Ctrl+Left | Set playback time -30 seconds. If in real-time mode, switch to playback mode first, and set 1x speed. |
Ctrl+Shift+Right | Set playback time +5 minutes. |
Ctrl+Shift+Left | Set playback time -5 minutes. If in real-time mode, switch to playback mode first, and set 1x speed. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left | Set playback time -1 hour. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right | Set playback time +1 hour. |
Ctrl+Shif+Y | Set playback time +1 day. |
Ctrl+Y | Set playback time -1 day. |
Ctrl+Enter | Go to real-time mode. No action is already in real-time mode. |
Ctrl+Space | Pause / play. |
Shift+Right | Increase playback/fast forward speed—no action in real-time mode. |
Shift+Left | Decrease playback/fast forward speed (when speed = 0, start to playback/fast rewind). If in real-time mode, switch to playback mode and start playback at 0.5x speed. |
Ctrl+Alt+Right OR Ctrl+Alt+P | Display the next video frame in playback mode. |
Ctrl+Alt+Left OR Ctrl+Alt+O | Display previous video frame in playback mode. |
Ctrl + Alt +[number key 1..0] | Direct access to forwarding play speeds. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [number key 1..0] | Direct access to backward play speeds. |
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+E | Open activity list. Use arrow keys + Enter to select an activity. Esc closes the activity list without selecting the activity. Tab closes the menu and sets focus to the next element. |
Ctrl+L | Open layout menu (layout name selection can be changed with arrow keys, Esc closes menu without selecting layout). |
Ctrl+M | New layout. |
Ctrl+Up | Load previous layout (same order as in layout menu). |
Ctrl+Down | Load following layout (same order as in layout menu). |
Numpad number + numbad x | Load layout with this number (layout numbering configured under Layouts – Layout numbering) |
Ctrl + B | Open bookmarks folder in Spotter device tree. |
Ctrl + Alt + B | Create a quick bookmark. |
Ctrl + Alt + M | Create a quick storyboard clip |
Camera Selection In a tab
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+0 | Set focus to n:th camera in tab (0=10th). |
Tab | Next camera. |
Shift+Tab | Previous camera. |
Esc | Remove camera selection. |
Export Time Controls
Shortcut | Description |
Alt + I | Zoom time slider to show export period ultimately. |
Alt + Y | Moves playback position to current export start time. |
Alt + CTRL + Y | Sets current playback time to be the export start time. |
Alt + U | Moves playback position to current export end time. |
Alt + CTRL + U | Sets current playback time to be the export start time. |
Camera Controls
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+W | Close current camera. |
Alt+Enter | Maximize camera in tab. |
Double enter | Maximize/minimize camera in tab. (if the focus is on camera) |
Esc | Restore camera average size (when maximized). When in a standard size, remove focus. |
Ctrl+P | Print camera image. |
Ctrl+S | Save (export) camera image. |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Duplicate video view. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D | Duplicate the camera and move it to mixed playback mode. |
Numpad number + Enter | Add camera (device number). |
Numpad number + plus | Activate monitor/window (monitor number). |
Numpad number + minus | Close the camera (device number). |
PTZ Camera Controls
Shortcut | Description |
Arrow keys | Moving the camera left, right, up, down (also intermediate directions). |
Page Up | Zoom out. |
Page Down | Zoom in. |
Home | Full un-zoom. |
End | Maximum zoom in. |
Double enter | Maximize camera and assume PTZ control for selected camera number. (if the focus is on the PTZ camera) |
Ctrl + H | Home position / program |
Camera Tour
Shortcut | Description |
F12 | The toggle camera tour starts and pauses state. |
Ctrl + F12 | Steps to next camera tour view. |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | Steps to previous camera tour view. |
I/O Control
Shortcut | Description |
Arrow keys | Change focus between action button, content popup button and close button when focusing in the component panel. |
Space | Performs default action when the item is selected from the profile tree. |
UI controls
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + Alt + T | Toggle time slider state (Large, Minimized, Hidden). |
Ctrl + Alt + C | Toggle playback panel state (Large, Normal, Minimized, Hidden). |
Ctrl + Alt + D | Toggle device tree panel state (Visible, AutoHide, Hidden). |
Ctrl + Alt + V | Toggle tab panel state (Visible, Hidden). |
Ctrl + Alt + A | Toggle alarm panel state (Visible, AutoHide, Hidden). |
Camera view
Shortcut | Description |
Alt + I | Toggle selected views automatic crop on / off |
Alt + R | Reset selected views digital zoom |