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General settings


The name of the camera. The system suggests names of the type Camera 1, Camera 2, and so on.

In Use

Clear this check box if no camera is connected to the camera input or if you want to disable the camera.

360 camera.

This tells the Spotter client that the camera is a 360 camera, and Spotter will show the image de-warping options in the camera toolbar (if installed)

Control Mode

This setting has two options, Active (default) and Passive.
If multiple servers have the same camera configured, then one should be made Active, and the others should be Passive.
This way, only the Active server settings are communicated to the camera.

Transport Type

This setting controls how the media stream is transported from camera to server.
The available options are RTP over UDP (default) and RTP over RTSP.
If the camera seems to work poorly with one setting (for example, if there are holes in camera material or difficulty to get all frames from a camera), then the other set can be used.

Decompression codecs.

Codecs are used for encoding and decoding video data


Here you can type a description of the camera shown to all users in the Spotter program.

Administrative Description.

Here you can type a description of the camera. The description will be shown in the Spotter program to only system administrators.

Reference image

A reference image is an image captured from the camera, making it easier to identify the cameras.
In addition, in the Spotter program, the users can compare what they see in the video view against the reference image to ensure that the camera is pointed in the right direction.
To change the current reference image, click the Capture image button. To delete a reference image, click the Delete image button.

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