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Spotter Display Settings

You can optimize the display for your requirements.


  • Show time

    • If set, show the image time on the video

  • Show name

    • if set, show the camera name on the video


  • Font size

    • Select the text font size on the video

  • Adapt font size to view the size

    • Adapt font size to the best match for view size

  • Text Color

    • Select text color from the available color palette

  • Text outline color and Text background color

    • Can adjust text lookout

  • Text horizontal alignment and Text vertical alignment

    • Can select text position on video


  • Show milliseconds

    • Show milliseconds with time

  • Show resolution

    • Show image resolutions

  • Show frame rate

    • Show image framerate

  • Show codec

    • Show image compression codec

  • Show bandwidth

    • The show displayed video stream bandwidth

  • Show advanced

    • Show advanced information can use when analyzing streaming behaviors

Window options

  • Show EULA on the startup

    • If selected, show EULA on the startup

  • Show exit dialog on the exit

  • Show video export dialog on video export

  • Show image export dialog on image export

  • Show storyboard export dialog on the storyboard export

  • Show video grid

    • Show video grid borders

  • Highlight the selected camera view. Border size xx

  • Track active devices on the device tree

    • If selected, highlight the active device on the device tree. Normally last selected is highlighted.

  • Zoom control follows the selected camera view


  • Default camera grid

    • Use the selected camera grid when opening a new tab

  • Default image fit

    • Use selected image fit for newly opened cameras

Color scheme

  • Select a Dark or Light overall color scheme

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